Planning your Walk

Gunditjmara clans have been caring for country for 1000s of years whilst walking through the changing landscapes on the Great South West Walk Woorowarook Mirring (forest country), the waters of the Pareetj Mirring (freshwater country), the Bocara Woorowarook Mirring (forest river country) to the Nyamat Mirring (sea country). NOTE: Please respect any artifacts you encounter along the way.  Leave anything where you see it as it is illegal to remove them from their original place.  

For more information visit the Budj Bim website.  Tour information can be found at the Budj Bim tours website.

COBBOBOONEE FOREST: There is no access across Ralph’s Bridge due to hazardous trees and damage to the bridge.  Cut Out Camp will remain open but the walking track is closed south of the camp. Walkers should follow diversion signage around this section.

Walker’s overnight campsites are located every 10-20 kilometres along the walk. Bookings are required for the designated GSWW campsites. For transport options contact ‘All About Us Bus’ – Gary Coulter 0498140115

Other information can be obtained by contacting our walker liaison co-ordinator (see Contact Us) during your planning or prior to your arrival.

All 14 campsites now have a shelter, most have a fireplace with a grate and all have a table and a fresh water tank. All have pit toilets on site.

Firewood is very scarce along the coast, so a gas or fuel stove should be carried.

Campsite Logbooks: All walkers are asked to fill out the logbook located in each campsite shelter as they pass through.  This is an important safety measure and assists us to locate walkers in an emergency. It is recommended to also upload the Vic Emergency app onto your phone.

One of 14 campsites

The ‘Great South West Walk Guidebook’ (at right) and other publications and maps can be purchased online through our shop.

Parks Victoria campsites that are located along the Glenelg River in the Lower Glenelg NP, at Nelson and also Lake Mombeong are for the general public and may be used by walkers.

However, these sites are busy during the holiday periods and would need advance booking. Camping fees apply.

WARNING – Water is stored at the campsites in tanks. However, the stored water cannot be guaranteed safe to drink, as there are numerous ways that it can become contaminated. Drinking untreated water such as creek water, bore water or sometimes even rainwater, can lead to illnesses such as gastroenteritis and diarrhoea.

Signs have been placed at each site stating – ‘Untreated rainwater. Do not drink‘. These signs have been required by the land managers and are in common usage throughout the state of Victoria.

Walkers should always carry sufficient drinking water and have the knowledge or means to treat the stored water. See Water – Make it Safe to Drink

WARNING – Walking along Discovery Bay requires planning and preparation.

Ensure you have plenty of time, that it is a low outgoing tide for easier walking along the damp sand, that you are carrying water, the weather conditions are reasonable, you are appropriately dressed and equipped.  You may experience extremely hot weather on parts of the walk when there is no shade or extremely cold wind when there is no shelter.   Tides information is here.

Campsite Booking

  • There are 14 campsites, 12 of which can be booked through Parks Victoria at the ParksStay website

    Cubbys and Tarragal campsites are reserved through GSWW. Contact Gordon for reservations.      Ph 0428 234248